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Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC)

Emergency Spill Reportable Quantities Information

Where can I find the RQ for a chemical released to the environment?

30 TAC 327
327.4 Reportable Quantities

40 CFR 302
Table 302.4 - List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities (lbs.)
Appendix B to 302.4 - Radionuclides (Ci & Bq)

49 CFR 172
Appendix A to 172.101 - List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities
Table 1 - Hazardous Substances Other Than Radionuclides (lbs. & Kg)
Table 2 - Radionuclides (Ci & TBq)

What should I do if the RQ has been exceeded?

Immediately contact one of the UTHSC-H designated Emergency Coordinators -

Mr. Alan Lucas                                  Business Phone:     (713) 500-8104
                                                        Mobile Phone:         (713) 202 3659
Dr. Scott Patlovich                             Business Phone:     (713) 500-8100

What is the RQ of some common large volume chemicals here at UTHSC-H?

Diesel fuel/Petroleum products/Used Oil - spilled or discharged onto land the RQ is 25 gallons; spilled or discharged into water in the state the RQ is quantity sufficient to create sheen.

Sodium Hypochlorite (pool) - The RQ is 100 lbs.

Hazardous Waste Storage Area Bulked Solvents - The RQ is 1 lbs. (500 ml @ 1 lbs.)

Industrial solid waste or other substances not listed under CERCLA - The RQ for a release into water in the state shall be 100 lbs.

*For additional detailed information please contact EH&S at 713-500-8100.